White, pristine, unblemished
They say it is not a color
I love white mists, clouds
Lingering on blue mountains.
White, no shades
No off white, cream
Pure as snow on shimmering peaks
Is my favorite sight.
Nurses, priests, politicians
Are bound, chained to white
White nebulous clouds
evoke deep nostalgic thoughts.
They swaddled my father in white
As he lay in the black coffin
His best shirt was white
His loin cloth was white.
The paper I write is white
White is holy, pure
They say light is white
Because it combines all colors.
So white is the mother of all colors
The churning of all yellow, blue, green
Colors sacrifice their egos
To the eternal white.
They say they are "white"
The purest of all races
I think they aren't white
But pink, beige and red.
Why can't colors of people
Merge and become white
Would people called "white"
Allow their color to merge?
Is white a color?
The matriarch of all colors
The fountain of all extent colors
Yes, king white reigns supreme!
I love this. White..... (FAVE LINE: Colors sacrifice their egos to the eternal white.) :) Keep it up! :)